

Datorren ostegunean, martxoak 30, hasiko da KORRIKA Otxandion eta egun horretan bertan, arratsaldean, iritsiko da Gasteiza.


Berotzeko proposamena:

20:00-21:00 Ikastola aurrean bildu denon artean afari-merienda egiteko. Bakoitzak bere etxetik ekartzen duena elkarbanatuz eta musikaz eta bertsoz giroturik.

Argazkiak ateratzeko fotocalla egongo da.

21:00-21:30 Korrika egin aurretik, ongi berotzeko ZUMBA saioa.

21:30-22:00 Dena jaso eta ikastolatik oso gertu dugun ikastolako kilometrora hurbilduko gara: 75. km Zabalgana hiribidearen hasiera (Antoniaren errotonda).


Gogoratu ikastolak erosiko duen kilometroaren kostuari aurre egiteko familia bakoitzari gutxi gorabehera 2 euro ematea eskatu ohi diogula. Diru hori martxoaren 30a baino lehen gelan batuko dugu.





Dakizuen bezala, larunbatean ZABALGANA AUZOKO KORRIKA ospatuko da eta bertan parte-hartzeko aukera izango dugu.

Martxoaren 25ean, larunbata

11:30etik aurrera

Zabalgana Hiribidea 22

Batukada, puzgarriak, aurpegi margotzea, dantza plaza, jolasak, tailerrak, pintxo-potea… 

Jarraian festa hori iragarriz grabaturiko bideo doakizue.



Hona hemen gure DBH 3.mailako ikasle batzuen hizkuntza autobiografiak. Lan ederrak benetan!


Udaberria heldu zaigu...

Hona hemen martxoa eta apirileko atsotitz batzuk irakur ditzagun:

- Martxoan
• 21: San Benito, primadera, ganaduak larrera
• Erramu eguneko haizea, berrogei eguneko haizea
• Martxoa martxaketan, apirila berriketan; maiatza erdia eguzkiak erreta eta erdia ito beharrean urtean
• Martxoan lainoa noraino, apirilean elurra haraino
• 25: Ama BirjiƱa martxoko, neguari eman diok ostiko
• Martxoan al da Pazko? Urte hartan izango da arto asko
• Garizuma berandu, udaberria berandu; kukua etorri, gosea etorri; kukua joan, gosea joan
• Martxoak maiazten badu, maiatzak martxotzen du
• Martxoan aire gorri, goizero elur berri
• Martxoko hiltzarra, horrek eraman du nire behor zaharra
• Martxoak beti botatzen bere eztena

- Apirilean
• Apirila biribila, zerria urdandegian goseak eta hotzak hila
• Arpelarra lorean, ardiak gosean
• Basa-porruak loratzera, artantzuak larratzera
• Elorritxoa loran dago, artoa ereiten giro dago
• Apirila euritsu, maiatza ihintsu, ekaina errautsu, orduan da laboraria urguilutsu (ugariago)
• Apirila hotz, ez gari eta ez ahotz
• Antxoarik ez da ganoraz agertzen, santuak kalez kale ibili baino lehen
• Pazkoa euritsu, urte hura ogitsu
• Ihauteri istilkor, Pazko eurikor, poltsa betekor
• Apirila joan eta maiatza gero, ahoztegian ahotza bego
• Apirila on ikusi nahi duenak, ehun urtez behar du ikusi
• 12: San Paternotik hara, landa ezak lur-sagarra
• Apirila urregorri, martxoa kakatsu, izango dugu aurten urtea ogitsu
• Apirilean sarri, euri eta euri
• Apirileko egunak hiru aro
• Apirileko erlea niretzat, maiatzekoa anaientzat
• Apirileko euriak balio du ardi-arkina hoberena
• Apirileko lorea urrea baino hobea, maiatzeko lorea batere eza baino hobea
• Apirila gero, negua gero
• Berant bada berant, udaberrian Pazko
• Ortzantza apirileko, arnoa barrikako
• Trumoi danbadak ez du apirila galtzen, hil honetako mahatsa ez da erraz saltzen
• 23: Done Jurgi, artoa ereiteko goizegi; done Marko, artoa ereinda balego
• Apiril bustiak dakartza ogiak
• 25: San Marko astea, artoa ereiteko Asteartea
• Babak esan omen zuen: Txikia banintzen, handia banintzen, apirilean lorea nintzen
• Apirila euritsu, urte hura ogitsu
• Apirila hotz, miseria ogi-artoz
• 29: Santa Katalina garbia, gaztaina urte handia
• Apirilaren azkenean, hostoa haritz gainean


Forewarned is forearemed
By Lexuri Gonzalez de Heredia

Beep beep beep…

I wake up like every day at 6:00 a.m.. It is Monday, so I must go to work. I prepare myself for a hard day at work. I have a cold shower, I put on my best suit and I have a coffee. Yesterday, I arranged to meet with the CHANDLER Company at 10.00 a.m.. I have a vast business of parts of cars with a friend and I hope to sell them these pieces today. I think it will be difficult, so I am quite nervous. Our company doesn’t go as well as before.

When I have prepared, I go down the stairs. I immediately enter in the crowded street called Wall Street. I have lived here since my business became successful. Before, I used to live in the countryside with my family, but I don’t like the agriculture and I love the big cities. The best option was to come to New York. Nowadays, I am used to the New Yorker’s lifestyle. Nobody would say that I am a foreigner.

The multitude sweeps me along the road to my office. Some are going to work, but others are returning home after some extravagant parties. However, I like to live near my work, because I can go walking and I avoid the traffic jams of the rush hours. When I enter into the building, my colleague John Fisher is already there. He has lived here since he was a child, and he has never left the State of New York.

John Fisher has lots of original entertainments. For example, he likes walking over the wings of the biplanes while they are flying, but it is the time of the stupid amusements and it isn’t strange to like this type of things.

“Good morning, Petee! What are you doing tonight?” He greets me too cheerfully.
“Nothing special, why?” I answer curtly.
“Because if you sign the agreement with the CHANDLER Company, we will go out partying,” he explains to me.
“And if they don’t sign the contract?” I ask curiously.
“We will go to the nightclub as well!” John laughs, “but I’m sure that a few hours later you will have signed it.”

Hours after, John and I are going to our bar. We bought the bar, when we started losing money with the company. It’s called Mr Dry. America is technically “dry”, because the alcohol is illegal everywhere. But the truth is that almost all the establishments are crowded of alcohol. Mostly in New York.

“I can’t believe it. We haven’t sold the car pieces!” John regrets.
“It’s a pity, but don’t worry! This night we will earn the money that we have lost in the morning!” I try to encourage him.
“I hope you are right,” he answers.

We have arrived to Mr Dry. It isn’t a large place. The clandestine bars aren’t big usually. It is hidden behind the facade of a shop of wigs. If you want to enter, you have to say the password to the doorman who is really efficient.

When we enter, Alfie, our best client is already supported by the bar not to fall down. He is a banker or something like that. Maybe he is a stockbroker. He always wears expensive suits, although his passion is the strong cocktails. At the moment, he is talking with another client, but the other one looks bored. Probably, Alfie is inventing a story.

“And I said him… Good night Petee! Hello John! I haven’t seen you in ages!” Alfie shouts too loud.
“Alfie, we saw you a week ago,” John says irritated.
“Really? I can’t remember!” he laughs.
“Of course you can’t remember,” I whisper.
“I think that they are waiting for me on the dance floor. See you later!” John says, before disappearing.

So I sit down next to Alfie and I order for a drink. In addition, I ask to the barman about the money we have earned this week in the bar. He informs me that our local goes really good. Another clandestine bar has been closed by the police, so the clients come to our establishment.

When the barman continues working, I am happier than before. I try to talk with Alfie, who has been in silent, but he looks worried. He is staring at the glass, even though I can see that he has furrowed his brow.

“We must leave New York,” Alfie mumbles. “We must leave New York as soon as possible.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked surprised.
“Something is happening, something big. Don’t you notice that the companies aren’t going like before?

Suddenly, the bell on the wall stars ringing insistently.

“A raid is coming!” someone screams. All the clients start running to go out to the back side of the bar and we go with them.

“Let’s go!” I say. “We have to continue this in my house, don’t we?”

A dozen people think it is an excellent idea. I stop a taxi and some of them do the same. We are in a line of taxis, when the Alfie’s head gets into the car by using the window.

“Eh, Petee!” he says. “Don’t forget it. Look after your money!”


When I wake up, the first thing I notice is that there is too much light. Rapidly, I realise that this is because there aren’t curtains in his bedroom. Curtains are used as blankets. The third thing, and the most strange is that there is a pile of tires on the floor.

I try to leave my bedroom, avoiding the asleep people. I enter into the kitchen, and I find John drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

“Petee!” he groans. “Why don’t you kill me?”
“Eh, that is illegal! And you know what I think about breaking the law,” I say. “Who are all these people? When I went to bed, there weren’t so many… guests.”

Abruptly, his face changes. Now his face is serious.

“It is getting bad, Petee,” he whispers breaking the silence,
“Surely yes,” I answer indifferently.
“I am serious.”
“I am convinced.”

I don’t want to talk about this again. I had enough with the talk I had with Alfie last night.

“It is getting very bad. It will not support. It is already starting to collapse. Can’t you see it?” John screams, while he rustles the newspaper.
“John, you have to be a little more specific. Unless you are talking about the newspaper which looks normal.”
“I mean that the entire United States financial structure can sink at any moment,” John admits.
“I don’t know… Maybe you are right or perhaps nothing will happen. Don’t worry about it, worry is useless”

Then a group of people enters into the kitchen. I don’t know them, so the situation is uneasy for me. However, they look really comfortable on my sofa.

“Have you seen our present?” someone of them asks me.
“Yes, thank you. I needed some spare wheels.”
“We took them from a police car. As a revenge for having burst your local,” they explain.
“You are very nice. And talking about that, I suppose I should go and check what’s left of our local,” John says.

Finally, John and the rest of the guests go out of my house.


This week I don’t have anything to do. There isn’t anything to do in our company and our bar is totally destroyed. So I try to fill my free time with current activities: reading, strolling through Central Park, going to watch a movie or a show, doing some shopping… The lack of work is alarming.

Today is October 24th and the market has trembled, but it has recovered slightly. I can’t stop thinking that Alfie and John may be right. Everybody looks nervous and restless.

The next day, I decide to sail aimlessly around Manhattan. From the boat, I can see the skyscrapers. Meanwhile, I am wondering what will happen, if everything really sinks. New Yorkers do things very big like the skyscrapers, and if they fall down, they will do it from a great height.

Finally, Tuesday, 29 arrives and everything falls apart. It happens just as my friends told me. Suddenly, the phone starts ringing. I can hear voices in the corridor, even some screams. I go down to the portal where there is a panic scene: people are running with their suitcases, all the telephone boxes are occupied and a man is crying in a corner.

The street is even worse. A group of people gathers in a circle listening the news.

“People are throwing themselves through the windows in the buildings of the centre,” a man says, “I have heard it. My friend works there, and he says that it is true.”
“So it is happening,” another man mentions, while he is taking out his hat.
“It has already happened! Banks are starting to board up the entrances!”

I decide that the best option is to return home, to lock the door and to get a good bottle of wine.

I haven’t left my house in all the week. I can’t even get out of my bed. I am too depressed to do it.
On October 30th, someone, whose name is impossible to remember, called me to say that my friends John and Alfie committed suicide a day after the named Wall Street Crash had happened.

In addition, I receive another call about work. Our… my company is in red numbers, and we must close. I have lost so much money. Besides that, I can’t pay for my house, so I must leave it in a week. Now I don’t have nothing in New York: I have lost my money, I have lost my company, I have lost Mr Dry, I have lost my house… And I have lost my best friends.

Now it is time to return with my family. Goodbye New York!


By Aiala Redondo

“Mom, where I leave these boxes?”
“Leave them here, I will take them.”

It was Monday, and as every Monday I was helping my mother in the marketplace. I only lived with my mom Arantza because my dad was fighting in the civil war. All the nights I thought about him and I was waiting hopefully the day that I would see him again and we would be all together.

I liked the Mondays because we went to the marketplace and I saw all the people of the town. Sometimes (when I didn't have to help my mother) I played with my friends Ainhoa and Endika. Their fathers were also fighting in the war and their mothers worked at home.

I was helping my mother when my friends Ainhoa and Endika appeared:

“Hi, Iker! Do you want to play with us?” Ainhoa asked me.
“I would like to go but I have to help my mother” I answered sadly.
“Go with them, I can pick up this alone” my mother said.
“Thank you mom! I will come soon” I answered happily.

We usually played in the outskirts of the town or in the fronton that was in the centre of the town. That day we went to a shack that we were building in a forest that was near the town. I liked playing in the forest because there were a lot of animals and we could do all that we wanted because there weren’t people around.

“Do you know something about your father?” Endika asked me when we arrived in the shack.
“No and my mother is worried” I answered him.
“My mother is also worried because the last letter that my father sent us was 6 months ago” Endika said sadly.
“I received yesterday a letter from my father saying that he is coming to Gernika the next week!” Ainhoa said happily.
“Oh! I am so glad!” We said Endika and I at the same time.
“Well, we are not going to talk about sad things, we came here to play” said Ainhoa.
“Yes, we have to continue building the shack” I answered.

I decided to walk around the shack for picking up wood for building the shack. Suddenly, I heard a lot of noise and I looked to the sky. There were a lot of aeroplanes flying through the sky. I ran quickly to the shack.

“Endika, Ainhoa, where are you!!” I shouted desperately. Nobody answered.
“Endika, Ainhoa, where are you!!” I shouted again.
“...” I heard  somebody shouting far away.

I arrived in the shack and Endika and Ainhoa were crying.

“What happens? Who were they?” I asked them.
“I think that it is the army of Franco and that they bombed Gernika” Endika answered worried.
“We have to go to the marketplace, my mom is there” I said worried.
“No Iker, the marketplace is a very dangerous place, we have to be safe”

We went to the top of a mountain to be safe. When we reached the top we could see all the town. It was all destroyed. The town was in ruins, the houses, the buildings, the streets, the people...  it was all destroyed. When I saw all the ruins I started crying. I didn’t believe what I was looking.

We went again to the shack. We argued for a long time. Because I wanted to go back to Gernika, because my mother was there and I was worried. But, Ainhoa and Endika said to me that it was very dangerous because maybe the Nationals would bombard Gernika again. Finally, I obeyed them and we decided to sleep in the shack and to go back to Gernika the following day.

That night I didn’t sleep anything. I was thinking all the night about my mother. I was very worried, because she was in the marketplace, and when we looked Gernika from the top of the mountain the marketplace had disappeared. I remember the last moment that I saw her. She was saying goodbye with the hand from the marketplace.

In the morning, we went back to Gernika walking. We didn’t believe that that was our town. Our houses, the marketplace, the church… all was destroyed. I started shouting:

“Arantza! Ama! Arantza! Where are you? Can you hear me?” nobody answered.

Suddenly, a high and uniformed man appeared behind us and he said to us:

“Are you ok? What are you doing here? Where are your parents? Come with me, you are not safe here.” he told us.
“But I have to find my mother! she was in the marketplace!” I answered crying.
“Come with me, we will find her, don’t worry” he answered.

We went to the hospital of Bilbao. There, there were all the injured people of the bombing. The man that we met in the ruins of Gernika was a young policeman that was finding the survivors of the bombing. He asked us a lot of questions: our names, the names of our parents, our address, if we had family in Gernika and out of Gernika, our age…

When he finished with the questions Endika, Ainhoa and I started speaking:

“Do you think that our moms are alive?” Ainhoa asked.
“I don’t know… I hope… because if not, I don’t know what I am going to do…” I answered.
“We can search in the hospital, maybe one of our moms is here and we don’t know”  Endika said.
“Ok, we don’t have to do any other thing now” I answered sadly.

We searched all the floors of the hospital except the last one. Suddenly, we heard a known voice behind us. We turned all together and she was the mother of Ainhoa. We all started crying. The mother of Ainhoa was in the church when the bombing happened. She told us that it was horrible, she had to hide in the bunkers. There, a lot of people died. There were approximately 500 people of the town, including children and old people.. Suddenly, she started crying. She told me that my mom was there with her, but that she died. She told me that my mother told her “If you see again my son, please tell him that I love him a lot”.

That was the worst day of my life. After talking with the mom of Ainhoa, the man that helped us went to speak to me. He said to me, that a sister of my mother lived in Bilbao and that I would have to live with her until my father came from the war. That aunt was called Aitziber and never had seen her in my life.

The following years were hard but I lived happy with my aunt Aitziber. My father also died in the war, and because of that I lived all my life with my aunt. He was like a mother for me.

Ainhoa lived with her mother in Gorliz, a town of Biscay near the beach. Endika had to exile to France, to a camp with other children without parents, because his mother died in the bombing, his father in the war and he didn’t have family in the Basque Country.



2016/2107ko PALA TXAPELKETAKO FINALAK jokatu dira eta baditugu jada aurtengo txapeldun eta txapeldun-ordeak. 

DBH1-2 kategorian Unax Isazelaia eta Lander Bellido izan dira txapeldunak eta Pello Unzalu eta Aimar Pascual geratu dira bigarren postuan.

DBH3-4-irakasleak kategorian Egoitz Macias eta Joseba Letona izan dira txapeldunak eta Joane Maiz eta Ibai Agirre geratu dira bigarren postuan.




Iritsi da 2016-2017 ikasturteko EUSKARAZKO PALA TXAPELKETAko finalak jokatzeko eguna.

MARTXOAK 13 ASTELEHENA (jolastorduan)

Partaide guztiak gogor aritu diren arren hauexek dira finalistak:

DBH 1-2 kategorian:

Pello Unzalu - Aimar Pascual  VS  Unax Isazelaia - Lander Bellido

DBH 3-4-irakasleak kategorian:

Joane Maiz - Ibai Agirre  VS  Egoitz Macias - Joseba Letona


My booming life
By Udane Uriarte


My maid was knocking on the door. I was going to be late to the party and my brother was getting upset.

My name is Josephine Swan and I am 22 years old . I live with my brother in a very big house in Long Island. My parents died in a car accident two months ago and we felt very lonely . That is why we decided to move to Long Island. All the rich people lived there and the best parties were celebrated there. We wanted to be happy again.

I got out of the room, I was very nervous it was the first time I was going to a party. We took a taxi and went to the party.

When we arrived, there were a lot of people. All the women were wearing flapper dresses along with cloche hats and the men were wearing double-breasted vests . Everything was very different here than in Colorado the city where I grew up. Even the women were smoking and drinking. I could not believe what I was seeing.

My brother and I entered the house where the party was host. A man was playing the piano in one side. In the other side, there were some men playing the saxophone and women were dancing around them. In front of me there was a huge pool and people were swimming in it. I turned around to talk to my brother but he was not there. I started getting very anxious, he was the only person I knew here and now he was not there.

Suddenly, the music stopped and all the lights were focused on a balcony. In the balcony there was a man. He was tall with green eyes and black hair. He was wearing a black suit with a  red tie. He began to talk.

‘I hope you have had fun but the party has finished we will see each other next Saturday. ‘

That was it the party had finished and I did not have the time to enjoy it  and the worse thing I did not know where my brother was.The people started to get out of the house and going to their cars. I was alone but I had to deal with it. The only person I knew (well  I did not know him) was the man of the balcony. So I decided to go where he was.

After climbing a lot of stairs and going through a lot of rooms I found him. I was a bit embarrassed but I decided to talk to him.

‘ Hello I am Josephine Swan and I am lost I do not know where my brother is’

He started to laugh and I did not know what to think. He started to talk.

‘Hello I am Joe Goodwin and I do not know what I am supposed to do about that’

‘Help me, take me back  to my house or call a taxi ‘

He called a taxi and we spent all the journey talking. Mr.Goodwin was a broker in Wall Street and had a lot of money. He was also very nice and funny. I arrived home safely and went to sleep.The next morning  my brother told me that they had call him for a business in Chicago and that is why he disappeared in the party. I did not believe him but I did not tell him a thing.

In the evening a red big car appeared in the road in front of my house and Mr.Goodwin was inside of it. I went outside. He had prepared a date for us. At first I told him that I would not go with him on a date but  he convinced me and we went on date.

That was the first of a lot of dates. We got married on September 1st of 1929. We bought a very big house in Long Island. I was a very happy woman. Joe and I went to all the parties of New York.In those parties we drank and smoked a lot. We also danced and had so much fun.
I spent more money that you could ever imagine in dresses,hats, furniture, alcohol, cigarettes,shoes,... But I did not need those things I just bought them because I liked them.  

I thought that this would be my life forever that I would live happily ever after but everything changed on October 24th of 1929.

It was a normal morning. I woke up , put on a beautiful blue dress and a matching hat. I went to Rose’s house to have breakfast. We were having breakfast when all of a sudden the phone rang.Edith( Rose’s maid) said that the call was for Rose.

Rose was talking with his husband on the phone she was crying and she was very anxious. She hung up. Rose told me that his husband had lost all their money and that they were in bankrupt because there had been a crash in wall street . I was shocked if she was in bankrupt I was also in bankrupt because Joe also worked in wall street. I had lost all my money I was going to be a homeless. I started crying and Rose started crying again. I looked at her face and there was something strange. She looked like she was trying to tell me something but she could not. So I asked her.

‘Rose is there something else you want to tell me?’
‘What Rose spit out!!’
‘Joe has committed suicide’

I started running. I took my car and started to drive as fast as I could to wall street . I wanted to see Joe for the last time. I think I was having an anxiety attack but I could not control myself. All of a sudden I saw the light of a car coming on the opposite direction. I had no time to stop the car. The light of that car was the last thing I saw.